PTTAC Outlines Next Steps in Support of Red Seal

The Professional Truck Training Alliance of Canada (PTTAC) has announced its plans as they move forward with industry stakeholders in their support to make the career of the Commercial Transport Truck Operator a designated Red Seal Trade in Canada.  

Don MacDonald, Co-Chairman of PTTAC and Chairman of the PTTAC Red Seal Committee is pleased with the direction recommended by the committee at their last meeting held in November.  

“The committee has approved a clear road map and direction for the next 12 months as to what needs to be done by the Alliance” says MacDonald. 

“We have a 3-prong approach over for the next year, which will have PTTAC Educate, Communicate and Support for the need to raise the bar of the of the Commercial Transport Truck Operator. 

PTTAC plans to do all three simultaneously.  

  • Educate: Educate the industry and stakeholders on the value, investment and ROI of Red Seal through ongoing in-person and virtual meetings.  

  • Communicate: Share information via correspondence, social media, websites, survey’s and media with industry, stakeholders and the general public.  

  • Support: Seek written industry support and testimonials for Red Seal from industry.

The committee of ten is made up of five commercial truck schools, three Associations, and two carriers. 

PTTAC is open by invitation to present and speak about Red Seal for the Commercial Transport Truck Operator and other key objectives of the Alliance. 

“We are looking at venues and opportunities across Canada to talk about Red Seal with anyone who has an interest in having a PTTAC representative out to a meeting, events and conferences,” says MacDonald. 

Confirmed to date, PTTAC will be presenting on Red Seal and other key objectives of the Alliance in February at the Council of Driver Trainers meeting in Hespeler, ON, and at the February Educational event hosted by the Private Motor Trucking Council of Canada (PMTC) in Toronto, ON.

The first National Red Seal Round Table discussions were held in June of 2024 in Winnipeg MB, followed by Regina, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Toronto Ontario Truro NS, and Calgary with approximately 200 people attending the meetings and the majority is in support in principle of a Red Seal Trade for the Commercial Transport Truck Operator. 

For more information, please contact:

Jim Campbell
Professional Truck Training Alliance of Canada      

Don MacDonald 
Professional Truck Training Alliance of Canada  


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